Note: I've adopted many of Bruce Land's policies for this course.
In this class, you will rewrite your final project for ECE 4760 or ECE 5760 for publication in a magazine or journal of your choice. A good grade in this course does not require that your article is accepted by the magazine or journal (that is out of your control), but it does require that your article meets the writers guidelines for your chosen publication and that the article is rewritten as appropriate for the audience of that publication. Ultimately, it is your decision whether or not you would like to submit your article for publication. Publishing your work advertises your abilities and protects you against plagiarism, but it also introduces some complications if you plan to patent your project. If you are considering a patent, please discuss with me so that we can come up with the best plan for protecting your intellectual property.
This course fulfills the College of Engineering Technical Communication requirement, and may also be used as an advisor-approved elective.
You must have taken ECE 4760 or ECE 5760 in a previous semester to enroll in this course. You may not take this course and ECE 4760/ECE 5760 simultaneously.
- Circuit Cellar - this is our most common magazine for publication
- Hackspace
- Elektor
- Electronics World
- IEEE Spectrum
- Nuts and Volts
- All partners that are participating in this class will be co-authors.
- Partners that are not participating in this class have two options. Each partner must send me an email specifying their chosen option.
- They will be a co-author, and therefore participate in approving the writing, but not do the writing.
- They will not be a co-author, and therefore will be acknowledged but not participate in the writing or approval.
- Reorganize your report for a top-down explanation of the project. Remember that your audience may be non-specialist. If so, have a nonn-engineering friend read your draft for clarity.
- Remove all references to our particular class (e.g. "We used Hunter's board."), replace these with more general statements.
- Where appropriate, remove highly specific references to our architecture. For example, replace "We configured Timer 2 to overflow every 909 CPU cycles." with "We configured a 16-bit timer, incrementing at 40MHz, to overflow every 909 cycles." Someone that knows about microcontrollers should understand what you're saying, even if they've never worked with our specific microcontroller. These sorts of errors are most common in first drafts.
- Eliminate ABET-specific sections from your report, and convert to a design narrative suitable for the publication's target audience. In most cases, you don't need the ethics, safety, or work distribution sections.
- All images should be included.
- Research background material and related projects. Assemble a reference list to include in the manuscript.
- Reorganize and (if necessary) extend the results section of the original report.
- Do not use any code in the text of the manuscript. Explain it in words. There are occasional exceptions to this, but never for PLIB function calls.
- Follow the style guide for the target publication.
Usually, it takes 3-4 revisions to get the manuscript ready for submission. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Once we all agree that it is ready, submit it to the magazine/journal and cc me!
Your grade will be based on the following:
Your grade does not depend on the manuscript being accepted by the publication!