I really like Picasso's studies of abstraction, in which he reduces a complex subject to its simplest representation which retains recognizability. The Bull is probably the most famous example, but all of his line drawings are interesting studies of abstraction.
This document uses Fourier Series to recreate some of Picasso's line drawings, to morph one drawing into another, and to sonify the drawings (i.e., to create a sound which carries the same information as the line drawing). This sound can be used to generate Picasso's images on an oscilloscope.
The Fourier Series provides a systematic, quantifiable method for studying abstraction, and for finding the level of complexity that is required to make a particular subject recognizable. It's not a perfect tool for doing so. The Fourier Series can only generate closed shapes, and it adds complexity by adding higher-frequency content to that closed shape. So, all forms "simplify" ultimately into circles or ellipses.
Move the slider below. How many Fourier coefficients does it take for the abstraction to become something recognizable?
The content in this section comes from An Algebra of Geometric Shapes by Ghosh and Jain and Elliptical Fourier Features of a Closed Contour by Kuhl and Giardina.
Recall our old friend the the Fourier Series. For some function f(t) which is periodic over a period of time T (that is, f(t+nT)=f(t) for any integer n and real t), then we can express that function as a sum of sines and cosines of various amplitudes. The amplitude of each sine and cosine wave in that sum can be solved for using the function f(t) and the period T, as shown below. If you're curious where these expressions come from, please see one of my other webpages on the topic.
f(t)=a0+∞∑n=0(ancos2πntT+bnsin2πntT)a0=1T∫T0f(t)dtan=2T∫T0f(t)cos2πntTdtbn=2T∫T0f(t)sin2πntTdtSuppose that the function for which we are generating a Fourier Series is described by a sequence of points connected by lines. One such "polyline curve" is given below.
This curve, x(t), can be described by the Fourier Series shown below.
x(t)=a0+∞∑n=0(ancos2πntT+bnsin2πntT)We're going to solve for those coefficients, a0, an, and bn. In order to do so, however, we'll use a little trick! Let us consider the first time derivative for x(t), given by ˙x(t). This function can also be represented by a Fourier Series, with a different set of coefficients. Let's call those coefficients αn and βn (and note that the constant a0 disappears when we take the derivative).
˙x(t)=∞∑n=0(αncos2πntT+βnsin2πntT)We can solve for αn and βn, and then we'll use those to solve for an and bn. From above, we know that:
αn=2T∫T0˙x(t)cos2πntTdtβn=2T∫T0˙x(t)sin2πntTdtThe integral over the whole period T is equal to the sum of the integrals over each of the piecewise linear segments . . .
αn=2T∫T0˙x(t)cos2πntTdt=2T[K∑j=1∫tjtj−1˙x(t)cos2πntTdt]βn=2T∫T0˙x(t)sin2πntTdt=2T[K∑j=1∫tjtj−1˙x(t)sin2πntTdt]But the derivative over each linear segment is just a constant! So this simplifies . . .
αn=2T[K∑j=1ΔxjΔtj∫tjtj−1cos2πntTdt]βn=2T[K∑j=1ΔxjΔtj∫tjtj−1sin2πntTdt]Those final integrals are easy!
αn=2TK∑j=1ΔxjΔtjT2πn(sin2πntjT−sin2πntj−1T)=1πnK∑j=1ΔxjΔtj(sin2πntjT−sin2πntj−1T)βn=−2TK∑j=1ΔxjΔtjT2πn(cos2πntjT−cos2πntj−1T)=−1πnK∑j=1ΔxjΔtj(cos2πntjT−cos2πntj−1T)We're halfway there. We'll solve for an and bn by coming up with another equation for the Fourier Series of ˙x(t) and setting those two equations equal to one another. The second representation for ˙x(t) comes from directly differentiating the expression for x(t):
˙x(t)=∞∑n=0(−2πnTansin2πntT+2πnTbncos2πntT)Matching coefficients from the two representations gives:
−2πnTan=−1πnK∑j=1ΔxjΔtj(cos2πntjT−cos2πntj−1T)2πnTbn=1πnK∑j=1ΔxjΔtj(sin2πntjT−sin2πntj−1T)And solving for an and bn . . .
an=T2π2n2K∑j=1ΔxjΔtj(cos2πntjT−cos2πntj−1T)bn=T2π2n2K∑j=1ΔxjΔtj(sin2πntjT−sin2πntj−1T)We could also solve for the DC component, a0, but for our purposes we actually needn't do so. We'll just have all of our curves centered on the origin, and our DC components will be zero.
We can generate a series of x, y points which trace out this contour. Those points are shown below, overlayed on top of Lump. If we consider the sequence of x-coordinates and the sequence of y-coordinates separately, then we have two polyline curves precisely like the one treated in the previous section. We'll generate a Fourier Series for each of these curves and use those series to approximate Lump in the 2D plane. But first, let's re-parametrize our expressions for an and bn to something more convenient than time.
At present, we have the expressions for the Fourier coefficients parametrized by time, t. For curves in the plane, it's convenient to instead parametrize these by the distance traveled along the curve. Let us assume that there is a particle that moves along the boundary of the curve at some constant speed v. This velocity, v, gives us a relationship between space and time which we can use to re-parametrize our expressions for an and bn. Let's define some variables:
Δlj: the straight-line distance separating point pj−1 from point pj=√(xj−xj−1)2+(yj−yj−1)2=√Δx2+Δy2=vΔtjL: Total length of curve=TvThese can then be substituted into the previous expressions for x(t), an and bn:
x(l)=a0+∞∑n=1(ancos2πnlL+bnsin2πnlL)an=L2π2n2K∑j=1ΔxjΔlj(cos2πnljL−cos2πnlj−1L)bn=L2π2n2K∑j=1ΔxjΔlj(sin2πnljL−sin2πnlj−1L)For the y-coordinates, we just generate another Fourier Series with its own set of coefficients! But the two are identical in form. To avoid confusion, I'll call these coefficients cn and dn rather than an and bn.
y(l)=c0+∞∑n=1(cncos2πnlL+dnsin2πnlL)cn=L2π2n2K∑j=1ΔyjΔlj(cos2πnljL−cos2πnlj−1L)dn=L2π2n2K∑j=1ΔyjΔlj(sin2πnljL−sin2πnlj−1L)If we use the x-Fourier Series to describe motion in the x-direction, and the y-Fourier Series to describe motion in the y-direction, we can approximate a curve in the plane! In practice, this occurs in two steps. In the analysis step, we compute all Fourier coefficients. In the synthesis step, we use those coefficient to specify the amplitudes of the sine waves. We then generate and sum those sine waves.
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Two equal-length Fourier Series for two different shapes contain all the same sine waves, they differ only in the amplitudes associated with those sine waves (an and bn). If we start with one set of coefficients and smoothly average to another shape's coefficients, then we can smoothly morph one shape into another. If you move the slider below, you can transform a circle into the rooster into Lump the dachshund. To the side and bottom of the image, you will see the polyline curves which describe the x and y trajectories to form the shapes.
To properly form these images, all that matters is the relative frequencies of the sine waves which compose the series expansion. There is a degree of freedom in that we get to choose the fundamental frequency (put another way, we get to choose the speed with which our imaginary particle traverses the edge of the boundary). If we make that frequency in the audible range, then we can hear all of the sine waves which compose the image. If you press the button below, you'll hear the circle transform into the dog, into the rooster, and back into the circle.
But that's a little hard to interpret. If instead we use an oscilloscope to probe the voltages being communicated to the left and right speakers, and then we put that oscilloscope into x/y mode, we can see the images appear on the screen.