The code is structured as shown below. The ADC pacing timer is configured to gather samples at 10kHz, and to store those samples in the ADC FIFO (pre-shifted to 8 bits of significance). Whenever a sample appears in the ADC FIFO, the ADC's DREQ is asserted. DMA channel 2 is paced by the ADC DREQ, so that it automatically moves the ADC sample from the FIFO to a byte array. The DMA channel is configured to increment its write address so that it fills up each element of this 1024-element array with samples, at which point it signals to the C-code that it has finished. The C-code windows/copies this array to a local array, and then starts DMA channel 3. DMA channel 3 writes to the control registers of DMA channel 2 to reconfigure and restart it. While the next batch of samples is being gathered, the C code uses the local array to compute and display the FFT. It does so using the VGA PIO state machine described at length here.
Because details of the FFT are treated in detail in the write-up for another project (see Realtime Audio Spectrogram on PIC32), they are not treated here. The same is true for the VGA driver (see VGA driver written in PIO assembly for RP2040). This webpage instead discusses new topics, which include RP2040 ADC configuration and control with DMA.
Note!!: Please see one of my other webpages for a detailed description/derivation of the FFT code included below.
void FFTfix(fix fr[], fix fi[]) {
unsigned short m; // one of the indices being swapped
unsigned short mr ; // the other index being swapped (r for reversed)
fix tr, ti ; // for temporary storage while swapping, and during iteration
int i, j ; // indices being combined in Danielson-Lanczos part of the algorithm
int L ; // length of the FFT's being combined
int k ; // used for looking up trig values from sine table
int istep ; // length of the FFT which results from combining two FFT's
fix wr, wi ; // trigonometric values from lookup table
fix qr, qi ; // temporary variables used during DL part of the algorithm
////////////////////////// BIT REVERSAL //////////////////////////////////
// Bit reversal code below based on that found here:
for (m=1; m<NUM_SAMPLES_M_1; m++) {
// swap odd and even bits
mr = ((m >> 1) & 0x5555) | ((m & 0x5555) << 1);
// swap consecutive pairs
mr = ((mr >> 2) & 0x3333) | ((mr & 0x3333) << 2);
// swap nibbles ...
mr = ((mr >> 4) & 0x0F0F) | ((mr & 0x0F0F) << 4);
// swap bytes
mr = ((mr >> 8) & 0x00FF) | ((mr & 0x00FF) << 8);
// shift down mr
// don't swap that which has already been swapped
if (mr<=m) continue ;
// swap the bit-reveresed indices
tr = fr[m] ;
fr[m] = fr[mr] ;
fr[mr] = tr ;
ti = fi[m] ;
fi[m] = fi[mr] ;
fi[mr] = ti ;
////////////////////////// Danielson-Lanczos //////////////////////////////
// Adapted from code by:
// Tom Roberts 11/8/89 and Malcolm Slaney 12/15/94
// Length of the FFT's being combined (starts at 1)
L = 1 ;
// Log2 of number of samples, minus 1
k = LOG2_NUM_SAMPLES - 1 ;
// While the length of the FFT's being combined is less than the number of gathered samples
while (L < NUM_SAMPLES) {
// Determine the length of the FFT which will result from combining two FFT's
istep = L<<1 ;
// For each element in the FFT's that are being combined . . .
for (m=0; m<L; ++m) {
// Lookup the trig values for that element
j = m << k ; // index of the sine table
wr = Sinewave[j + NUM_SAMPLES/4] ; // cos(2pi m/N)
wi = -Sinewave[j] ; // sin(2pi m/N)
wr >>= 1 ; // divide by two
wi >>= 1 ; // divide by two
// i gets the index of one of the FFT elements being combined
for (i=m; i<NUM_SAMPLES; i+=istep) {
// j gets the index of the FFT element being combined with i
j = i + L ;
// compute the trig terms (bottom half of the above matrix)
tr = multfix(wr, fr[j]) - multfix(wi, fi[j]) ;
ti = multfix(wr, fi[j]) + multfix(wi, fr[j]) ;
// divide ith index elements by two (top half of above matrix)
qr = fr[i]>>1 ;
qi = fi[i]>>1 ;
// compute the new values at each index
fr[j] = qr - tr ;
fi[j] = qi - ti ;
fr[i] = qr + tr ;
fi[i] = qi + ti ;
--k ;
L = istep ;
The RP2040 has an internal SAR (Successive Approximation Register) ADC. The ADC uses an independent 48MHz clock, and a sample takes 96 cycles of this clock to complete (2us). A pacing timer can be used to reduce the speed with which samples are gathered (but any individual conversion always takes 96 cycles).
There is a 5-input MUX to the ADC, which selects among 4 GPIO ports (26, 27, 28, 29) and one internal temperature sensor. The ADC gathers 12-bit samples, with 9 effective bits. The ADC can be configured to one-shot sample mode, in which it will gather a single sample which gets stored in RESULTS
. In free-running sampling mode, the ADC automatically starts new conversions at regular intervals, with the most recent conversion always availabel in RESULT
. For IRQ or DMA-driven streaming, the ADC FIFO must be enabled. The FIFO is 4-entries long. If the FIFO is full when a sample completes, an error flag is set (FCS.OVER
), the contents of the FIFO are not changed, and the conversion that completed when the FIFO was full is lost.
A SAR ADC performs a binary search through all possible quantization levels of the ADC before converging on a digital output for the analog input.
The analog input is sampled and held. This analog value is used for the positive input of a comparator, the negative input of which is attached to a DAC. This comparator compares the sampled voltage to the output of the internal DAC, the output from which is passed back to the successive approximation register. The SAR sets the most significant bit to 1, and evaluates the comparator output. If the sampled voltage is less than the DAC voltage, then the MSB is reset. Else it remains 1. The SAR then moves to the next-most significant bit and does the same. The resulting code is a digital approximation of the sampled voltage.
A series of steps are required to configure the DMA interface to the ADC. The C SDK makes these configurations quite simple, but even so care is required.
adc_gpio_init(uint gpio) ;
adc_select_input(uint input) ;
function with the input mask.// Setup the FIFO
true, // Write each completed conversion to the sample FIFO
true, // Enable DMA data request (DREQ)
1, // DREQ (and IRQ) asserted when at least 1 sample present
false, // We won't see the ERR bit because of 8 bit reads; disable.
true // Shift each sample to 8 bits when pushing to FIFO
div + 1
cycles (div not necessarily an integer). Each conversion takes 96 cycles, so in general you want a divider of 0 (hold down the button continuously) or > 95 (take samples less frequently than 96 cycle intervals). This is all timed by the 48 MHz ADC clock. For example, for a sample rate $F_s$, the setup is (48Mhz/$F_s$ - 1).adc_set_clkdiv(48000000/Fs) ;
. The DMA channel should read from &adc_hw->fifo
and it should write to a byte array of length NUM_SAMPLES
.// Channel
int sample_chan = 2 ;
// Channel configurations
dma_channel_config c2 = dma_channel_get_default_config(sample_chan);
channel_config_set_transfer_data_size(&c2, DMA_SIZE_8); // 8-bit txfers
channel_config_set_read_increment(&c2, false); // no read incrementing
channel_config_set_write_increment(&c2, true); // yes write incrementing
channel_config_set_dreq(&c2, DREQ_ADC); // paced by DREQ_ADC
// Configuration
&c2, // channel config
sample_array, // dst
&adc_hw->fifo, // src
NUM_SAMPLES, // transfer count
false // do not start immediately
// Channels
int control_chan = 3 ;
// Channel configurations
dma_channel_config c3 = dma_channel_get_default_config(control_chan);
channel_config_set_transfer_data_size(&c3, DMA_SIZE_32); // 32-bit txfers
channel_config_set_read_increment(&c3, false); // no read incrementing
channel_config_set_write_increment(&c3, false); // no write incrementing
channel_config_set_chain_to(&c3, sample_chan); // chained to sample channel
control_chan, // Channel to be configured
&c3, // The configuration we just created
&dma_hw->ch[sample_chan].write_addr, // Write address (channel 0 read address)
&sample_address_pointer, // Read address (POINTER TO AN ADDRESS)
1, // Number of transfers, in this case each is 4 byte
false // Don't start immediately.
dma_start_channel_mask(1u << sample_chan);
adc_run(true) ;
dma_channel_wait_for_finish_blocking(sample_chan) ;
adc_run(false) ;
adc_fifo_drain() ;
dma_channel_start(control_chan) ;
adc_run(true) ;